Sunday, February 22, 2009

Bloody rozzers

A quiet weekend lined up after the splendid stuffing delivered to the English last week and as usual the best laid plans failed to survive contact with the enemy (alcohol).

A "quick" drink after work with Gravy and chums ("whatever happens Gravy I am not staying out long") turned into an almighty session and him asleep first face in a curry before finally making it to bed about 0300.

A delightful hangover on Saturday was as welcome as it always is but with the lovely Kathryn coming to visit at least one ray of sunshine could be expected in his day and she peformed said function admirably although the booze flowed mightily again. Having done a runner from the restaurant (for the benefit of the Mother that does not mean not paying the bill oh no not at all) he ended up in a load of bother with the fuzz not, surprisingly, for the obvious reason but more prosaicly for parking in their space.

Monday, February 16, 2009

From our rugby correspondent

A weekend away with the Pofydd for Valentine's day and, more importantly, the Wales -v- England match in the 6 nations. With Polly heavily pregnant (we anticipate mere days to the newest addition to our cast) the convenience of a designated driver was available and so they headed down to Aberaeron to meet up with Nidur and watch the match at Aberaeron Rugby Club.

Chucking a smidge over the half-gallon down their Gregorys before the start of play was a bold move but their nerves needed some solid settling so we can forgive them that.

Clearly the English players have plans for this summer as none of them seem at all interested in a Lions place this season which left Wales a very short odds favourite. England were, disappointingly, not as rubbish as they have been in recent times but fortunately were rubbish enough to get a good pasting.

As we have always said however northern hemisphere rugby is much weakened when England are rubbish and we do trust that they will at least make an effort to get better some time reasonably soon (though not too soon for preference).

As to the rest of the night? The second half-gallon put paid to that - he was asleep by 2130.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Jet Laggggggggggg

Recipe for disaster:-

Take one subject of a world famous blog
Stir in a serious dose of jet lag
Place on long distance train
Turn up the heating


Monday, February 09, 2009

It gets dark quickly in California

When you are having fun on the slopes sometimes you can just lose track of time...

Jalopy news

Well 7 weeks after the car broke down again at last a diagnosis. It is a technical one so forgive us if we get the terms wrong but the news is it is "fucked."

Somewhat less technically it needs a new engine, again.

The bastard that sold it to him had better hope for some good news soon.

Skiing - overview

All in all too much sunshine and not enough distractions - we mean for goodness sake they were in bed at 2030 on Super Bowl Sunday (granted with 10 pints inside them) - to really make this a worthwile trip for your correspondent. Although in possessions news he did snap his ski poles, break his boots and his bindings so it was not all bad.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Careless skiing costs lives

Gay George (Not Actually Gay) can on occasion be a bit lax in his spatial awareness on the slopes and put his fellow riders at risk as this piece of video would appear to demonstrate. Do not worry gentle readers however - after some CPR the poor victim made a complete recovery.

Monday, February 02, 2009

The irony

As our travellers struggle to find resorts with decent levels of snow after a week of high temperatures and bright sunshine we find reports from our home correspondent of conditions in the UK modestly amusing.

Casino Royale

Living in a casino is a strangely joyless and certainly soulesss experience. At its best the slow patinisation of one's soul each day just seeing the rows upon rows of people slowly feeding their life-savings/kids' college fund into the gaping maws of the one-armed bandits slowly corrodes one's morality and at its worst standing around surrounded by a bunch of steroid fuelled thugs, gangsters and prostitutes screaming at the TVs and baying for blood whilst watching the Ultimate Fighting Championship leaves one feeling actively scared.

One would have thought, perhaps, that a casino would at least on occasion provide moments of levity but so far the closest it has managed was the pimp coming over and leaving them with his business card. As levity goes it does not really get there.