Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Road (Ski) trip - part 9

There is only so much of a good thing one can live with and after two days of eating rancid lasagne they had reached their limit and so brought their Crystal trip to an end and headed over to Mission Ridge.

The usual early start and 3 hour drive later they found themselves at the top of a very quaint little ski area populated by the local grave dodgers (shurely seniors? - ed) with some of the nicest skiing through the woods that he has ever experienced.

The bomber's wing on the side of the mountain was quite weird though.

To add to the oddness of the locale the wind and snow had created some rather crazy forms on the top of the mountain.

After another great day's skiing they headed off to their B&B disappointed with the news that Mission Ridge would be closed the next day leaving them somewhat at a loss as to where to ski. Upon arrival at their B&;B they were rather perturbed by the rabbits on the porch and they were not settled down by the patent insanity of the owner who for some reason had them booked in not for that night but for the previous two. Of course on checking his e-mails it became apparent why she might have made this mistake; idiot.

The delights of the local town (Wenatchee) appeared pretty bare but much to their delight the waitresses at the local Italian were proper lovelies (but not similarly bare).

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