Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A new career? - part 2

And so the big, no make that enormous, day arrived...and it was raining, we say raining but we mean pouring. All in all not a great start to the festivities.

Determined to ensure the plan was kept to Christine sent out her friends to complete the planned walk in light of his oh so very sensible clothing. Chris's friends were much wiser and hid inside and avoided the ridiculous nonsense that was getting soaked and stung by stinging nettles.

Pleasingly the walk at least did have the pleasure of a pub at its end, less pleasingly just as he started to get into some pints of Spitfire one of Christine's friends turned up with instructions to "keep an eye on him" or in other words stop him getting drunk, very tedious.

This friend is however married to a German fellow and inspired by the Spitfire ads in the toilets he descended into comic German accent time. Oh dear.

Before matters could get completely out of hand the decision was taken to head back to the house and very fortunately a van outside offered them a lift. Some might suggest that jumping in the back of a transit with French plates with 14 other people just 10 miles from Dover is not the most sensible course of action but as usual common sense went for a burton.

Back at the house he finally got ready and dressed up in his circus ringmaster get up.

So finally with him ready the great event could happen and in the flash of an eye it was done.

With the formal parts of the day done, the fun could begin and so the mob descended upon the champagne. Sadly, again, he was barred from drinking but fortunately he had smuggled a hip flask in and was swigging away when out of view of his controllers.

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