Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Yet another false dawn

After the glory of yet another Grand Slam for the Welsh this seasons hopes have been high in our subject for at least a reasonable showing on the tour to South Africa this summer, indeed at one stage he was so optimistic he was trying to get tickets, and so he invited round the Pofydd and the Nidur for the game this past weekend.

As usual being Welsh is just another exercise in having one's hopes crushed mercilessly on the rocks of reality but at least on this occasion he was able to share the horror story in the company of his splendid Welsh chums. Frankly if you are going to have a TV the size of a small country watching sport on your own is a pointless exercise.

In traditional style he was soon treating the twin imposters of success and failure alike and after a fine meal out we quaffing the champers in Hotel du Vin until the early hours.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's what happens when you keep googling yourself darling.