So enamoured of the idea of spending days away from the kids was he following the Sienna trip that he managed to persuade the lovely Dennis to go to Pisa for the day and trek up the Tower. Now he was particularly excited about this having been one of the last people up the Tower back in 1989 before the closed it (we are assured by the engineers that the events are unconnected, we have our doubts) and he fairly bounded up the steps…to about half-way where he nearly had a coronary.
Having enjoyed the view they set about searching the local stores for tasteless tat for their loved ones (shurely delightful souvenirs? –ed.).
With all that excitement all that remained was the journey home. For the mother, sister and nieces this promised to be an epic drive across the Alps and home but for Justin, him and Dennis matters were much more pleasant with a drive to Pisa, plane and train. Until, that is, the train they were on was cancelled (the conductor couldn’t be bothered to come back after tea at Ely station) and they got to spend an hour on a draft East Anglian platform. Lovely.
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