Saturday, April 28, 2007

Yeah right he's not gay

Having made it back from his seemingly interminable travels he was looking forward to a quiet weekend. Inconveniently Gay George (Not Actually Gay) was born exactly 30 years ago and his mother (that is Gay George (Not Actually Gay)’s mother not His mother (and no not Mary)) had arranged for him to join the family for a quiet celebration. Now as Gay George (Not Actually Gay)’s sister and her fellow are both in the wine trade the quietness was optimistic.

The evening was planned as supper up in London town with the party being collected by limousine. PINK LIMOUSINE.

The shame passing through the streets of London and the horror at getting out of the car in the sight of others was almost too much for him to bear.
However the fine wine, fine food and finer company quickly salved this and the evening turned into a splendid occasion to mark the birthday of a splendid fellow. Our considerable thanks to his mother for inviting us along to help record the occasion.

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