in the countryside outside Aberystwyth available for a weekend on boozing and eating and much to his delighted surprise Nigel, Dogs, Christine, Chris, George, Helen, Rob and Helen all agreed to make the very long trek to the mountains to join in.
Sadly the weekend started on a sour note as due to an ineptly operated court list he was not able to get away from Bristol on time to get to Swansea and the funeral of one of his uncles much to his dismay and regret. To make matters worse as a result his mother, who was planning to come to Aberystwyth, decided she couldn't trust herself not to get lost and decided not to come.
Our subject arrived first and with Polly pouring the Mojitos was soon in danger of being in a complete state but had to pull himself together to go and fetch TLSBSL Dennis from the station (which it has to be said is rather Railway Childrenesque).
With everyone else arriving at various points during the evening (right up until midnight) there was a constant stream of welcomes and drinks being poured and all in all a splendid night, although the drinking game based on the hard core porn playing cards fell sadly flat, unlike the young men in the pictures.
Saturday morning kicked off with a walk (through dangerous frog territory apparently)
before heading up into the hills and some fabulous scenery.
He insisted on trying to prove he is not an old man by vaulting over a gate and much to everyone's surprise and your correspondent's dismay he did not end up flat on his face.
With a healthy appetite built up they headed down to the beach for some beach cricket.
Disturbingly whilst there, as subsequent close examination of the pictures reveal, Christine was being stalked by the local wildlife.
To fill rumbling stomachs a barbeque was lit and some fine local produce burnt and eaten.
The original plan had been for Saturday evening to be a pub crawl round Aberystwyth but with the weather closing in, and several gallons of beer still to be consumed back at the house, the decision was taken to construct a shelter (of dubious quality)
and stick it out and save money on taxis.
An enormous quantity of beer flowed and much to everyone's surprise rather than our subject being asleep in the corner Nigel took those "honours".
Sunday morning was a series of goodbyes before the hangers on went for a further walk (cue more bleak countryside)
and then a very large sunday roast before the long journey home.
All in all a fantastic weekend and enormous thanks to all attendees and, more importantly, hosts.
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