Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Shop 'til you drop

Mrs Pofydd and the delectable Nia have been to visit for the ostensible reason to see him but the rather truer reason that they needed to go shopping for the upcoming nuptials of Chris and Christine.

His promise to show them around the shopping haunts of Birmingham lasted all of 5 minutes in a heinously crowded TK Max before he rang away screaming something about the foul touch of hoi polloi. Some 5 hours later they appeared back at the flat to find him relatively restored to health and ready for a night on the tiles.

As is usual with two girls who's apparent motto is "every conversation is an intervention" (they both work in the social services side of life) a robust evening of difficult personal questioning followed over some great dim sum at Must followed by some fine cocktails at HdV.

Towards the end of the evening the barman approached them to take their final orders (as they were not resident) and to describe the look on his face as shock when our subject turned to Mrs Pofydd and asked, "shall we get a room then" would be a major understatement.

Plenty more alcohol flowed back at the flat before the evening ended in the early hours.

The girls were up and lively very early on Sunday night and keen to return to the shopping fray. Suitably steeled he managed to last the trip second time round although as they were shopping in House of Fraser and its ilk rather than Primark et al this is not such a surprise.

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