Wednesday, April 02, 2008

A Young Professionals Booze Cruise

After a sad absence of too many months from these pages we are delighted to announce the return of Hoots to the cast of current characters. After many failed attempts at arranging a night out on the sauce at last they managed to fix things up for an evening out in Brum.

We are told that most women have a recurring nightmare of turning up at an event to find someone else wearing the same dress, fortunately neither of them are women or things could have got messy as they both opted for exactly the same cloths. Only the slightly darker colour of Hoots's geography teacher jacket enabled them to be distinguished (well and Hoots's more unkempt hair).

With so many bars to chose from they played it rather safe with All Bar One, Pitcher & Piano and then a different All Bar One. A little middle of the road young professional we think.

A good skinful inside you always puts one in the mood for the munchies and with all the curry houses empty and his cupboards nearly as bare they had to settle for a "feast" of pasta, a tin of chopped tomatoes and some frankfurters. We did not know that sort of meal could be cooked other than in student Halls of Residences.

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