Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Chapter 55 - Into the Wild

Having had their fill of civilisation the boys have got back together and headed off on an epic journey of discovery up the East Coast to Cairns.

The first leg has taken them up into the hills of Barrington and they are spending the night in a gold rush era (converted) brothel.

Their driver up here is called, we kid you not, Thunder!

They appear to have stumbled into a celebrity look-a-like convention. There is a Jaques Villeneuve as well as a Jade Goody.
This seems appropriate as your correspondent is told that our hero now looks like Kevin Smith (aka Silent Bob) a Hollywood writer and sometime actor.
Sadly we cannot confirm this as we have no idea who they are talking about although we can confirm that Hoots (in his new fetching straw stetson) looks like Jake Gylgenhall (are we sure about this spelling? - ed) in Brokeback Mountain.

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