Monday, March 20, 2006

Chapter 67 - Let's off Road

After 2 recouperative days in Hervey Bay, where our hero caught up with some cousins the boys headed off to Fraser Island for some four wheel drive and camping action.

For those of our readers who don't know Fraser Island is the largest sand island in the world. Now that does not sound much but it is actually nearly 95 miles long and heavily forrested.

Our hero quickly sized up the group and realised he was dealing with a group of soft city boys who would only get through this dangerous adventure with solid leadership and strict discipline and duly took it upon himself to deliver that.

Pretty soon the team where functioning like a slick military unit with tents hopping up and down with swift precision, latrines being constructed and shelters (from Cyclone Larry) being constructed.

In between the military style camping there was some first class driving through some rather challenging terrain and some bathing in Lake MacKenzie. Lake MacKenzie is a beautiful little lake around 600 yards in diameter that is in a bowl in the rainforest but is actually perched about the watertable and so is beautifully fresh and clean and the water is potable.

The last day was intended to be a tour of some of the other beautiful lakes on the island unfortunately on the second day Pablo left his bag at Orchid Beach right at the northern end and so having dropped the boys off at Lake MacKenzie (a 2 hour drive south from their campsite) our hero and Pablo - with Gordon for muscle - set off on an epic and very fast trip north and back again. It had to be quick due to the ferry departure at 1600.

Thanks to some rather aggressive off roading through the jungle tracks and some very fast driving up the eastern beach (called 75 mile beach) they just managed to make it back in time. After 6 hours behind the wheel our hero was well and truely shaken to pieces. We doubt his cocyxx with ever forgive him.

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