Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Egypt Day 3 - Flipper

Well he has finished the last of his confined water dives (i.e. in a swimming pool) without making too much of a fool of himself. Well he did look pretty silly when his flippers fell off. Not half as silly as the rest of the class who proceeded to nearly drown through laughing at him.

Having got the practical stuff out of the way he had to sit an exam. Now he has been known to be a bit competitive about exams in the past (once famously asking the invigilator if he could "borrow your newspaper for something to read" only 30 minutes into a 3 hour exam) and so the most important thing for him was not the pass mark but the quickest time it had been completed in (20 minutes by Janina's brother).

Shock, horror, he set out to beat that at all costs. He very smugly handed his exam paper in well within the 20 minutes and remarkably enough passed with apparent ease (no doubt Janina was being kind in her marking).

An afternoon off followed which involved baking in the sun.

Tomorrow he hits the ocean for the first time. This may well be the last time we get to write about him alive.

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