Friday, February 10, 2006

Chapter 27 - Cinema Paradiso

Since saving the island the adventurers have been feted wherever they go so to get away from all the adulation they went to a quiet bar with a TV last night to take in some movies (actually they went to their home bar but everyone else had gone elsewhere).

The second, and last, film was the ever so cheery "Hotel Rwanda" about the genocide in Rwanda in 1994. Gimli managed to work himself into a white rage over the entire affair and threatened momentarily to a) be poor company and b) start self-medicating on the local moonshine. Fortunately after a brief word with himself he mellowed out somewhat and the night simply descended into one of increasingly poor pool.

Today the weather has been appalling and so Sir Ranulph and Hoots have been playing pool all day. Hoots has all the luck and Biscuit Boy all the skill (and there is not much of that) so they are quite evenly matched.

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