Saturday, February 25, 2006

Chapter 35 - Dirty Sanchez

Phi Phi as many of you will now was the location for the shooting of The Beach and some islands very near it were used for Scaramanga's lair in The Man with the Golden Gun. This should help paint a picture of how beautiful the scenery is although of course no location can truely be said to have arrived until is used as a location for "Dirty Sanchez - The Movie".

Fortunately for Phi Phi it can now make that claim as the Dirty Sanchez boys are in town to shoot their movied.

Indeed so impressed were they with the Bout of the Century (as the events in Chapter 32 are now being called) that Pritchard and Paynton decided to fight in the same ring for the movie. Pritchard got destroyed.

Talking of painting pictures we feel we should try and paint a picture of Sir Ranulph but it is less than easy. His hair is now getting slightly too long for respectability whilst his beard (which is russet) is now luxuriant and not far off being bushy. He has been attempting to avoid too many travellers' cliches but his willpower has now totally collapsed and he can now most often be seen in a pair of camouflage surf shorts, a Chang singlet and the Union Flag wrapped around his wrist. He also has a big black eye from the Bout and the pounds are falling off.

He'll be unrecognisable soon.

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