Sunday, February 26, 2006

Chapter 47 - Koh Phi Phi - a retrospective

Probably the most beautiful scenery of the trip so far with huge towering cliffs and thickly forrested very steep hills.

The main island (Koh Phi Phi Don) is almost two islands merely connected by a 200 metre wide strip of very low land (basically it would be all beach if it were not for the development). The main resort lies on this strip and was battered by the Tsunami particularly badly as the waves came from both directions and met in the middle however you if you did not know this you would hardly be able to tell so swiftly has the re-building taken place. Probably the main clue is the very high number of amputees on the island.

The main resort is quite bustling but with a rather ramshackle air about it. The focal point of most nights on the island appears to be the Muay Thai ring (particularly since The Bout) until about 0100 when everyone decamps to the beach (well apart from him, he was usually asleep by then).

After the calm and peace of Koh Pha Ngan it felt rather bustling but objectively it is probably quite quiet and chilled. Certainly the various coves around the island are even more laid back than the place they stayed at on Koh Pha Ngan.

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