Sunday, February 26, 2006

Chapter 50 - The Long and Windy Road

Hoots had been tasked with arranging the transport to Bangkok so it was with no small amount of trepidation that they set off on their epic trip north. After an inauspicious start (ramshakle mini-bus to the bus station) it transpired that the lad had acquited himself well with a large air-conditioned bus with few well spaced deep reclining seats.

Sadly his good work was undone when they arrived at the wrong part of Bangkok and they had to get a taxi at 0600 to the right place. That trip was enlivened only by Hoots' realisation half-way into it that he had left his note-book (containing the novel he is writing) on the bus.

That being said for a 15 hour bus trip it was bearable.

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