Sunday, April 30, 2006

Chapter 105 - Memorial Day

Having regained his strength after the epic journey across the continent with half a gallon of Guiness in the company of Churchy (old University chum) and Nicole (his delightful girlfriend - much better than all the other psychos) (who are very kindly putting him up) he felt strong enough to brave the monumental trail and start on the sight-seeing trek that is the Washington Mall.

Having hooked up with Crofty (very old chum, they used to live next to each other when growing up (shome more of that to be done - ed)) and his chum John at the Lincoln Memorial
they took in the Korean,

and World War II
memorials before Churchy had to retire with memorial fatigue.

In his absence they hit the Spy Museum. What a load of old tat.

Having got all cultural they then hit Georgetown for the evening. Georgetown knows its been hit by 4 Brits in their mid-30s today, oh yeah. Well actually they had to move bar because the music was just too loud. Pathetic.

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