Monday, April 17, 2006

Chapter 92 - The Barbs Reunion Tour

Our travellers having had their fill of LA set off to Edmonton for the Canadian leg of The Barbs World Tour.

However this has been disrupted by Gimli's inability to read a calendar and thus his invitation to Gay George (not actually gay) to come over to go skiing in Jasper which was intended to be for next week was in fact for this week. Fortunately The Barbs have been able to re-schedule some of their dates for Jasper.

The trip to Canada can best be categorised as Aucklandesque thanks to some shoddy weather over San Francisco (where they had to change planes) leading to significant delays.

However The Barbs eventually met up again at the airport just after midnight. Buck has acquired some rather fetching earrings but other than that no change.

For our hero Edmonton has so far has consisted of 2 beers, 3 hours sleep and then jumping on a coach to Jasper to meet up with Gay George (not actually gay) whilst the others follow on the tour tomorrow.

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