Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The Prelude - The Finale

Well what can one say. Last night was the idiot's leaving do. One can tell he is a total drunk by the fact that the bar (who's profits are now going to free-fall) had a leaving present for him (a hip flask appropriately). Some of his more deluded work colleagues had had a whip round and had a few presents for him. I can see how the Alka Seltzer and Ibruprofen may come in handy but the condoms? How can they possibly think this fool can pull?

By all accounts it was a good night however whilst walking home his mother fell over on the "slippy cobbles" (yeah right I'm sure the 4 bottles of wine and the flaming sambucas didn't contribute) and sprained her ankle. She can't drive (or basically walk) today so goodness knows how he is going to get to Heathrow.

Fingers crossed he gets there and the next update comes from Singapore.

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