Friday, May 05, 2006

Chapter 112 - The Big Apple

And so finally he has arrived in New York having become rather too acquainted with Amtrak over the last couple of weeks.

Once again very kind friends are putting him up (this time Bill and Amy (and don't forget Martin the Labradoodle dog))
how many people can he manage to fool?

So far he has just been settling back into life in the Big Apple (he lived here for a while back in '98) which has involved taking Martin for a walk around the West Village. Martin (actually a girl) got into a scrap with a Doberman and, not to put to fine a point on it, got beaten up. Fortunately honour was restored as our traveller beat the Doberman up.

Having nearly got their dog killed he decided to leave her behind as he headed down to the old World Trade Center (spelling? - ed) which as it was one of his favourite haunts from times past was quite moving. However it was heartening to note that almost everyone walking past it on their way home from work simply ignored it and were getting on with their lives. Not, we suppose, a real surprise but nevertheless good to see.

However on his return to the flat he was reminded why Bill had asked him to lock Martin in the kitchen if he went out - she had gone mad and trashed the joint. Our traveller may have to find alternative accommodation.

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