Monday, May 15, 2006

Chapter 120 - Buffalo Bill

Despite the disruption to his schedule he was determined to get to Niagara Falls and so set his alarm nice and early for Saturday morning. Sadly his determination did not extend ot actually waking up to his alarm and so he had to be dragged out of bed by Bill with almost no time to make the train.

Astonishingly he did although due to it being Mother's day weekend over here it was packed and not the most comfortable of his recent trips but after another 8 hours on a train he reached Buffalo.

Obviously he headed out into town as soon as he arrived and ended up in a bar watching a Sabres v. Senators game in the NHL play-offs. Clearly as a good imperialist he had to root for the Senators (they are from Ottowa) against the Sabres (from Buffalo) which did not make him totally popular.

However his penchant for British beer, on this occasion Black Sheep, which the septics insisted on trying (and of course falling in love with) soon won them over. Mind to be fair by the time the Sabres won the game in overtime to go through to the next round most of them were so sozzled they would have loved everybody.

Particular thanks must go to Rachel and Chris who took him under their wing early doors.

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