Monday, January 14, 2008

Wild Wild West (Wales), part 1

Having received a text from Polly reading, "We miss you, X" he rather felt pressured into a weekend in Aberystwyth with the Pofydd, Nia and Tudur to help revive their flagging spirits as they struggled through life without his cheery smile to keep them happy.

Very sensibly he managed to arrange this to coincide with an enormous snow storm over Birmingham so the drive down was a real treat.

Upon arrival it became apparent that their cry for help was a real one as, in their frantic scrabbling around for something interesting to do without him, Polly had dyed her The poor thing.

Knowing that Saturday was rather set up for some fun and games (and a pub crawl) Friday was intended to be a relatively quiet night over some of Polly's splendid cooking but the temptation of too many bottles of wine proved too much and he got battered.

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