With the cider disposed of, painfully, they moved on to the Lord Beeching bar which, as they approached, Dafydd observed was a lovely place at which point a drunkard staggered out the front door with claret pumping out of his forehead. The quality of the bar was certainly sealed for your correspondent when he went into the toilet and was presented with a delightful vignette.
A quick beer was thrown down there before Nia plyed them with a Paddywhack (a Creme de Mmenthe with a Bailey's float (other cream based liquers are available))in The Mill.
Another several bars followed, one of which looked oddly like a Methodist chapel which was truely ironic in light of the quantity of ale being thrown down before the usual level of childish shenanigans kicked in. Polly started snogging Nia (which was nice for the spectators) and then Tudur, feeling left out, started snogging our hero (less nice for the spectators). Astonishingly there was still time for a few more beers before a kebab and a taxi home.
As nights out go this one was pretty spot on in general and as an attempt to recreate his increasingly vanishing youth even closer.
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