Monday, January 21, 2008

Wild Wild West (Wales), part 4

Hangovers all round. Not the most surprising result all things considered but unwelcome none the less. With much of the day taken up with the five of them trying to piece together the entire night from the jigsaw pieces of their very vague memories the alarming similarities to far, far, too many mornings at university were rather laid bare.

That said as a cure to PBA (passim) being able to talk through the entire night is hard to beat (well jetskiing is (passim) but we will leave that out of the equation).

A long very chilled out day properly extended into the evening by his decision to stay the night and drive to Bristol early the next morning.

The picture fades out and in to the next morning.

As he fires up the car he notices the complete lack of fuel. Now in most civilised parts of the world, i.e. where he lives, this is not an issue due to the preponderance of 24 hour garages but in the wilds of West Wales it is an issue and so confronted with the option of going back to bed and trying again once the local garage was open (0800) he decided to chance his arm and see how far he could get. With fuel in short supply he had to eke out every fluid ounce and so accelerating (and therefore braking) were ruled out until he finally found an open garage. A more tedious journey is hard to imagine and quite possibly the worst way to end a truely splendid weekend.

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